AGM minutes – 2016-11-03


Minutes of Annual General Meeting – Monday 3 October 2016 – 8.10 pm to 8.25 pm

  1. Apologies for absence – None
  2. Matters arising from last year’s Minutes – none
  3. Chairman’s report (Don) – Don reported another good year, with good player numbers/a high standard of play. Our advert in the In Touch magazine has been successful, attracting two new players tonight. The facilities in the hall are good but the toilets could be better. There is no drinking water available. We will push for better facilities. The Committee have all agreed to stand again –thanks to the Committee for their good work, in particular Julie for organising the two meals and the admin work she does, and special thanks to Val for keeping the books, collecting subs, producing budgets and accounts, etc. It makes her life easier if we can pay yearly so please do this if you can – it does work out a lot cheaper over the year. Thanks also to Dik for setting up the website for us.
  4. Treasurer’s Report (Val) – Val thanked everyone for their continuing support. She presented the accounts, a copy of which is on the notice board. We made a surplus last year of £357.85 against a previous deficit of £166.10. Membership numbers were 17 last year, 16 the previous year. We are very dependent on guest fees and although last year these were the highest ever, they are unpredictable and cannot be guaranteed. This is why we are keen to encourage membership.

    We have to pay a term’s rent in advance so we try to keep enough in the bank to cover the autumn term rent – we just had enough this year. The school have increased the rent by £2 per hour (ie £4 per week). After much debate the Committee have reluctantly decided to increase membership fees to £140 for the year (concessions £70). It is better to increase fees by a small amount this year and, if necessary, next year, rather than leave fees as they are and risk a large increase in the future. Membership is still good value and works out at £3.89 per week for two hours, and assuming four weeks holiday during the year, £4.37 per week. Guest fees will remain unchanged as increasing these historically puts people off. Fees can now be paid by bank transfer but if you do this, please fill out one of the slips Val has produced once you have paid so Val is aware. We do not have an internet account and only receive statements every three months.

    Val reminded everyone that we are not covered by insurance for member to member/personal accidents. Please can everyone therefore read the Health and Safety Regulations on the notice board (and particularly new members) and sign to say they have done so.

    Please can guests put their name in the book and the amount paid – unfortunately nearly every week the money received and the figures written down do not add up.

    Lastly, April 2017 is a difficult month – because the school holidays follow the Easter weekend, there is a three week gap with no play, one week of play (24 April) and then it is the May Day bank holiday. Does everyone still want to play on 24 April? Yes please, otherwise there is a long gap of about six weeks with no play.

    Don asked for a vote on the proposed increase in fees, this was agreed unanimously.

  5. Committee – All Committee members have agreed to stand again for election – Don (Chairman), Val (Treasurer), Julie (Secretary), Steve K, June and Jon. Re-election of the Committee proposed by Dik and seconded by Des.
  6. Christmas Meal – This will be held on Monday 19 December – Julie to organise. Don asked if everyone was happy to continue with The Sorrel Horse? Everyone was so we will return there.
  7. Any other business – Don reminded everyone to complete their contact details on the sheet if they have not done so – we can then contact everyone if for any reason the hall is unavailable. Dik asked everyone to go on to the website and enter their email address there – that way we can contact everyone by email if necessary.

    June asked if the trees along the entrance to the car park will be trimmed back again? This is the responsibility of the Council and after some difficulty they did do it before. They will need to be contacted again about this.

    Carly has some details of the All England Open Badminton Championships in March 2017 if anyone is interested in attending.