Waiting list started

We have had so many new people come along to play that we have had to start a waiting list of people wanting to come and join the “club” to play regularly. I am of a mind to publish that list on the website here so people get an idea of how many people are ahead of them. Let me or Jon know your thoughts on this matter please!

A question of timing

Next year we have the option to revert our hours of play to the 7pm to 9pm slot BUT before we do that we need to know your opinion. Email Dik to let him know if you are in favour of changing them or would rather stay on the current 6pm to 8pm slot.

Half Term – No Badminton tonight

Just in case you did not receive my email yesterday: there is no badminton tonight. We will resume again next week.

By the way, if you receive this as an email (i.e. from the web site) and no longer wish to hear from the web site please send me an email letting me know and I can remove you from the web site’s list of “followers”. You will still get emails directly from our email address (unless you wish to be removed from that list too – again, just email me to let me know).

Change of notification method

Hi All,

You are receiving this as an email sent from WordPress as the result of me posting a new notice on the web site (because you graciously accepted the invitation to “follow” the web site). However, this means of communicating with you all is not ideal – not only is the format of the email out of my control but also if you reply to the email I do not get to see the reply (in all likelihood you even get an error message back if you try).

So I would like to keep using the web site for more general notices such as announcing when the new term dates become available, but for more social contact and one-off messages regarding the upcoming evening, I would like to switch to using simple emails.

I already have most of the email addresses of the people who follow us on the web site and I have a few people who play but do not follow us (who I know the email address of) so I will be sending out an email from our club email address claydonbadders at gmail.com – please look out for that email as it will not long follow the email you get from WordPress because I am posting this message. My email may go to your spam/junk folder so have a look (as it is an important email too!)

All the best


Only 3 nights left this term

So come and make the most of them – we have a 15 minute break in tomorrow night’s play for the AGM – but otherwise it’s a normal night’s play.

We have also been invited to play on Wednesday nights through the summer holidays with the “YM Exiles” club who are playing at the Suffolk ONE hall 7pm to 9pm for £5 cash per person. They have 6 courts. I will be trying to get along to these (once our nights are over) so hope to see some of you there as well.

See you tomorrow!, 6pm to 8pm as usual.

A Good Evening for Play

With only four more nights of play left this term I suggest you make the most of them and attend each one.

Unfortunately I won’t be able to play tonight but I know Jon will be there so have a great night and see you next week!

Badminton tomorrow

Hi All, well you got a week off last week but we’re back tomorrow night (6th June) – we will need your patience for 10 minutes while we have an AGM but otherwise play will be as normal. We should have a new player or two along and I’m sure there’ll be a lot of you coming along to burn off all those cakes you ate this weekend! See you tomorrow night. Dik.